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  • 작성일 2021-03-02
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  • 조회수 63
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Talent is not enough: Business Secrets For Designers, Second Edition

Authorized translation from the English language edition, entitled TALENT IS NOT ENOUGH: BUSINESS SECRETS FOR DESIGNERS, 2nd Edition, 9780321 by PERKINS, SHEL published by Pearson Education, Inc, publishing as New Riders, Copyright © 2012 Sigma Books is a division of Sigma Press, Inc.

한 권으로 끝내는 디자인 창업&경영에 대한 모든 것

셀 퍼킨스 지음⎜서동춘 옮김⎜김호곤 감수


셀 퍼킨스는 그래픽 디자이너이자 미국과 영국에서 유수한 디자인 회사에서 20년 이상의 관리 운영에 경험을 가진 경영 컨설턴트이자 교육자다. 그는 현재 전통적인 미디어와 새로운 미디어에서 다양한 디자인 회사에 경영 컨설팅 서비스를 제공하고 있으며, 미국 그래픽 디자인 협회의 실무경영 센터(AIGA Center for Practice Management)의 장으로 재직하고 있다. 그는 <스텝>지에선 '프로페셔널 프랙티스' 칼럼을, 그래픽닷컴에선 '디자인 회사 경영' 칼럼을, 그리고 AIGA에선 '디자인 비즈니스' 뉴스레터를 쓰고 있다. 그는 IDSA, SEGD, HOW, ACD, Dynamic Graphis, STEP, Seybold, APDE, PromaxBDA, InSource, RGD Ontario, the Graphic Artists Guild와 같은 많은 조직에서 프레젠테이션과 워크샵을 열었다. 현재 캘리포니아 예술대학과 샌프란시스코 예술 아카데미, 그리고 캘리포니아 대학에서 실무 디자인 과정을 가르치고 있다. 그는 AIGA와 전문 디자인 회사 현회의 전국 이사로 활동하고 있으며, 디자인계에서 우수한 표준을 설립하는 데 상당한 개인적 전문적 기여에 대한 인정으로 존경받고 있다.

The author is a graphic designer, management consultant and educator with more than twenty years of experience in managing the operations of leading design firms in the U.S. and the U.K. He currently provides management consulting services to a range of creative firms in both traditional and new media, and he serves as chair of the AIGA Center for Practice Management. Shel has written the Professional Practice column for STEP magazine, the Design Business newsletter for AIGA, and the Design Firm Management column for He has given presentations and workshops for many organizations, including IDSA, SEGD, HOW, ACD, Dynamic Graphics, STEP, Seybold, APDF, PromaxBDA, InSource, RGD Ontario, and the Graphic Artists Guild. He teaches courses in professional practices at the California College of the Arts, the Academy of Art in San Francisco, and the University of California. He has served on the national boards of AIGA and the Association of Professional Design Firms. He has also been honored as an AIGA Fellow “in recognition of significant personal and professional contributions to raising the standards of excellence within the design community.”

The best business guide for design professionals just got better! This revised and expanded second edition includes everything designers need — besides talent — to turn their artistic success into business success.

You’ll find information on key issues facing designers from freelancing to managing established design firms. A strong visual focus and to-the-point text take the fear factor out of learning about thorny business realities like staffing, marketing, bookkeeping, intellectual property, and more. These smart business practices are essential to success in graphic, Web, and industrial design. Here are just a few of the things you’ll learn:

  • How to get on the right career path
  • The best way to determine pricing
  • How to avoid common legal pitfalls
  • How to manage large projects
  • The secrets of efficient design teams
  • How to forecast your workload and finances

Talent Is Not Enough: Business Secrets for Graphic Designers provides a big-picture context for these and other challenges and shares practical, real-world advice. Since its first publication, the book has become an essential resource for both students and working professionals in these areas and more:

  • Design planning and strategy
  • Corporate identity development
  • Publication and editorial design
  • Brand identity and packaging design
  • Advertising and promotion design
  • Marketing communications
  • Environmental design
  • Industrial design
  • Motion graphics
  • Interaction design
  • Information design

What People Are Saying

"Finally -- a comprehensive business guide written just for us. No designer should live without this book!"

Lynda Weinman


author of Designing Web Graphics

“Shel Perkins' book Talent Is Not Enough: Business Secrets For Designers is a gift to the design community. It is an extraordinary resource jam-packed with wisdom, advice, and sage counsel. It is truly a business bible for professional designers.”

Debbie Millman

President, Design Group, Sterling Brands

Host of Design Matters on VoiceAmerica Internet Talk Radio

Author of How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer

“If only I could give a copy of Talent Is Not Enough to every graduating student! It's an invaluable guidebook. I wish it had been around before I went through my own education in the school of hard knocks.”

Louise Sandhaus

Program Director, Graphic Design

California Institute of the Arts

“This is a virtual encyclopedia of essential design business information. I’ve practiced on both sides of the freelance/in-house fence for more than twenty-five years and it amazes me that there’s not a single business question I’ve encountered that doesn’t have an in-depth answer in this book. Just as important as the range of advice is the fact that Shel’s conversational writing style makes all the information accessible and easy to understand. This is the go-to resource for all design business topics.”

Andy Epstein

Chair, AIGA Task Force on In-House Design

Author of The Corporate Creative: Tips and Tactics for Thriving as an In-House Designer

“There is no doubt that Gravity Tank owes its success in part to Shel Perkins and the business values he taught me early in my career. Now all that wisdom is captured in Talent Is Not Enough. All creative professionals running their own business should grab a copy immediately and start reaping the benefits.”

Chris Conley

Partner and Co-Founder, Gravity Tank

Track Lead, Human-Centered Product Design, IIT Institute of Design

“As a first-time owner of a design studio, I find this book to be an invaluable reference guide. It provides options for challenges I face every day, and the security of knowing I can deal with the unexpected. This is a must-have for any design professional.”

Brian Jacobs

Founder, Brick Design

“My students are required to read this book. It makes it crystal clear that landing (and keeping) a design job requires much more than just talent and technical ability.”

Mary Scott

Chair, School of Graphic Design

Academy of Art University

“It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that just about everything I know about running a design agency I learned from Shel and this book.”

Eric Heiman

Principal, Volume Inc.

“Where was this book when I was first starting out? Today, I keep it close to hand. It’s a fabulous resource for everyone in the design industry. Thank you Shel.”

Sylvia Harris

Information Design Strategist, Sylvia Harris LLC

“Shel's book is a how-to for everyone in the business — from start-up design firms to established agencies to in-house teams. I'm reading it again and I'm still learning things. It's the next best thing to an in-person consultation.”

Stanley Hainsworth

Chairman and Chief Creative Officer, Tether

Author of Idea-ology: The Designer’s Journey

“Shel has written an illuminating book that belongs on every designer's desk.”

Ann Willoughby

President & Chief Creative Officer, Willoughby Design Group

“I wish I had read this book when we started our business seventeen years ago. Or even ten years ago. Or even last month, come to think of it. There is a ton of incredibly valuable information in here.”

Bonnie Siegler

Co-founder, Number Seventeen

What people said about the first edition:

“Now that design skills have become a commodity, you need business skills to focus them. Shel Perkins has written a crackerjack book that will be on the shelf of every ambitious designer.”

Marty Neumeier

President, Neutron LLC and author of Zag and The Brand Gap

“This is the best left-brain business book I’ve ever read for right-brain designers. And, having two right brains, I know what I’m talking about. I’m recommending Shel’s book to every student of mine and buying a copy for each designer on my staff.”

Brian Collins

Chief Creative Officer, Brand Integration Group, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide

“Damn good advice! This is a fantastic business handbook for designers. It’s loaded with the specific, usable, real-world business knowledge that designers need. Shel has done a masterful job of making the information simple, clear, and easy to follow. This is a must-have book for any designer who wants to succeed in business.”

Billy Pittard

President, Pittard Inc.

“This is the most concise and brilliantly informative guide I have ever wished I’d read before establishing three studios for ATTIK. Shel has managed to capture a vast array of learning that most of us only gather after many years of trial and error — a guide that every independent designer or agency owner should have within arm’s reach.”

Will Travis

President, U.S. Operations, ATTIK

“Many design firms and designers have benefited from Shel Perkins’ sound business perspectives and advice. Now Shel has written a valuable guide that continues that process. The lucky readers of Talent Is Not Enough: Business Secrets For Designers will absorb many important messages that are essential to success. Shel deserves a ‘Thank You’ for rendering this service to all designers.”

Roz Goldfarb

President, Roz Goldfarb Associates, author of Careers by Design

“Perkins’ book should be required reading for any designer who would like to turn their design degree into a paycheck.”

Robert Blinn

Core 77

“Although designers are highly skilled at applying their creativity toward solving design-related problems, most lack the fundamental business knowledge that would enable them to start or optimally run a firm. Whether you’re a student, design contractor or design firm owner, Shel Perkins’ new book, Talent Is Not Enough: Business Secrets For Designers, is a comprehensive source of information on the professional practice of design.”

Gerard Furbershaw

Co-Founder and COO, Lunar Design

“Destined to become a dog-eared reference for all those parts of running a design firm that they never taught in college.”

Mitchell Mauk

Principal, Mauk Design

“A confident and perceptive mentor, Perkins creates a painless navigation through a range of strategies and issues.”

Communication Arts Magazine

“Our favorite design consultant and your future best friend, Shel Perkins, literally wrote the book on this subject. Because he’s a designer himself, he can give advice in a way that doesn’t make creative types want to hurt themselves.”

Alissa Walker


“A great overview of all of the issues that designers need to know to be in business.”

Nathan Shedroff

Chair, MBA in Design Strategy, California College of the Arts

Author of Making Meaning and Experience Design

“This book is simply a must-have for anyone working in the design profession.”

Deanna Moore

“This is a fantastic book, everyone should have a (well-worn) copy. In Shel’s typical style, the information is delivered in clear, concise language. Required and highly valuable reading for us all.”

Rob Bynder

Principal, Robert Bynder Design

“Packed with information on everything from how to get started to how to stay afloat.”

STEP Magazine

“Shel Perkins spells out every aspect of business for every type of designer in a language that is easy to understand. From career paths to pricing to legal issues, no stone is left unturned. This book is an invaluable asset.”

Troy Finamore

Finamore Design

“It is by far one of the best — if not the best — graphic design business book I have read.”

Daniel Schutzsmith

“Whether you’re just getting out of design school, thinking of going out on your own, or having large-firm growing pains, this is the book for you.”

Mike Lenhart

“It is rare to find one individual with such a wide range of knowledge in the design-related fields. And, because of his experience as a designer, Shel brings a sensitivity and understanding to administrative issues while still respecting the artistic side of our industry.”

Frank Maddocks

President, Maddocks & Company

“Shel Perkins has brought together the key insights and techniques every designer needs, whether they work from a spare room or a Madison Avenue cubicle. Use this book religiously: You’ll have more energy for what matters most — creativity.”

Bill Camarda

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